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Local Programming

Jan. 29, 2021Morning Conversation | Morning Conversation

Lily White on Great Northwest Day

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On this week's Morning Conversation with Jeremy Werner, we talk to Lily White - President of the Greater Maryville Chamber of Commerce- about Great Northwest Day.


Great Northwest Day at the Capitol annual gathering with Legislators in Jefferson City will look and feel different in a COVID-19 pandemic year.  Since its grassroots beginning in 2003, constituents from across 19 counties in northwest Missouri have engaged in a unique regional, cooperative approach to communicate with statewide elected officials, staff members and department administration.  Faced with COVID-19 challenges in 2021 the Great Northwest Steering Committee is pushing forward by shifting to virtual visits advocating regional priorities.


White talks about how this year's event will be virtual and will be spread over three days rather than one, which will allow more people to access and be part of the event.  She said the goal for the counties going this year is first and foremost, getting high speed broadband accessibility in Northwest Missouri.  Although this has been an issue in past years, it came more into light this past year because the pandemic made for more remote learning and working; thus making high speed internet even more a necessity.  White says other things they will be discussing are quality water, sustained Covid-19 funding, full access to primary care and mental health, and rural education.


The Great Northwest Live Event will take place over 3 days from February 1-3, 2021;
Participants are encouraged to engage online with questions on the Great Northwest Day at the Capitol Facebook page.


To hear the whole interview with Lily White, click on the link above.